Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Greetings from near Ålesund near the entrance of the Geiranger fjord which is one of the biggest in Norway and is a UNESCO World Heritage site. We're on the MS Nordlys (means "Northern Light") which we boarded yesterday afternoon. From the 'hot spot' for wireless on the boat I have lost several years of my life attempting to upload some photos from yesterday's galavanting around Bergen. I'm officially abandoning the effort until I'm once again on solid ground with an efficient wireless connection. Suffice it to say that I'll post my posts sans photos and will add the photos when I can. So you don't have to read every post again, I'll let you know when the photos have been posted to the blogs that have already been published (I hope that makes sense!).
Yesterday, Aug. 24, Ivan and I braved the rain to find our way to the Bergen Aquarium. If you're in Bergen and are feeling unaccountably happy, go the Bergen Aquarium and you will become slowly, but inexorably depressed. The following is only one reason that I would advise visitors to avoid this place. Remember - it's an aquarium, but there is a wretched exhibit containing 3 marmosets. The "vegetation" in this exhibit is plastic and I watched as 2 of the 3 creatures attempted to eat the stuff. I was horrified. The fish exhibits are slightly better, but are pretty small and oddly labelled in some cases. Not a place I'd recommend. (No photos will be added to this post.)

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