Monday, August 23, 2010

Train Oslo to Bergen

Greetings from Bergen! We managed to get ourselves out of bed in Oslo this morning, eat breakfast, check that we had re-packed everything and walk, dragging our worldly possessions behind us (and on our backs), to the Oslo S train station. That alone deserves a round of applause! (Thank you.) Boarded our train, found our seats, and were tickled that the train, scheduled to depart at 8:11AM, actually departed at 8:11AM.
We had a smooth and fascinating ride out of Oslo and its suburbs, past forests of mixed conifers and deciduous trees, into the high alpine areas, characterized by no trees with boulder-strewn fields and marshes all around us. Oh, and lakes and rivers, did I mention those? It was gorgeous. Now this post will require that you find things on both of the attached photos if you want to know where the photos in the next couple of posts were taken. First, find 'Oslo S' on the "train route" map. Then, find Bergen - hint, look to the far left of the map. Now you're prepared to see the photos of the next couple of posts.

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