Monday, August 30, 2010


Well, kind folks, thanks for your patience. I have had to use other means to write these posts and send them. Here's the explanation. I, Queen of Idiots, left the charger for my computer at Per Kristian's house on Sunday (Per is Astrid and Oddvar's brother). I'll be unable to do my blog on my computer without said charger because my battery is very delicate and loses strength fairly quickly. I'm writing this on Ivan's computer - does it look different?
Suffice it to say we've had a more-than-excellent visit with family we have never known and with whom I hope we'll stay in close touch. We've invited all of them to come visit California and stay with us and I really hope that some or all of them will visit at some point. To my brothers, Fred and Jerry, and my cousins, Howard and David, you and your families would just LOVE them. Remember Franni's goofy sense of humor? Guess where she got it!
So, I'm hoping that I can get caught up - we're on Day 13 now, so bear with me - I'm writing as fast as I can!

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