Saturday, August 21, 2010


This will be a quick post. We arrived at 6:10PM in Oslo on Lufthansa #3134 out of Frankfurt. It was our third wonderful and smooth flight in a row! As we were in approach on the plane, I took a couple of photos of the very pretty countryside which I'll post tomorrow. If you start the clock when Ivan and I departed our house on Thursday at 1:45PM, and if you account for the change of 9 time zones, we have been traveling now for about 44 hours! If my calculations are off, please be merciful - both of us are really tired and are looking forward to sleeping in an actual bed tonight! It's now 8:25PM, the sun is about to set, there's a light breeze blowing, and it's about 65°(F) outside. Stay tuned - lots more tomorrow!

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