Thursday, August 26, 2010

Ivan with friend

DISCLAIMER: This photo was Ivan's idea! I've not been able to discern the reason, but there were little troll statues all over the place in Bergen. One could buy shirts, magnets, hats, postcards, umbrellas, scaves, keychains, socks, etc. with trolls on them. And they all look like this guy (the one on the right!).
(This is being written 2 days after this excursion in Bergen and gives a bit of info we were told about the omnipresence of troll stuff.) In Norway, there live 2 kinds of troll - one kind in lakes and one kind in the forests. These are usually depicted as old, short men with very long noses, some of which (noses) have moss and weeds growing on them. They are very kindly, but do not tolerate being provoked. The women are lovely with pretty faces, long blond hair, nice figures, but having a tail that look like cow's tail. They always wear long skirts to hide their tails. They love to collect human men, who, once they have gone away with the troll lady, are never seen again. Trolls come out only at night. If caught out in the sunlight, they turn to stone and that's why you see many large stone boulders, especially alongside roads in forests. At least this is what our tour guide yesterday told us - and who are we to question her veracity??!

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