Monday, August 23, 2010

Verdant scene

I was completely amazed at the lushness of this desolate-seeming place. There are actually people living in these areas, areas that must have the longest and most severe winters of any populated area. These are surely very hardy souls! The beauty of the place, though, is breath-taking.
This photo was taken at a spot between Myrdal and Voss.
In conclusion of today's post, I will tell you that we are safely ensconced in our hotel, the Thon Hotel Bergen Brygge, a facility that re-defines the term "small living space!" Our room is about 20' long and 10' wide (including the bathroom which is about 5x6'!). The phrase most often heard in this room for the next 24 hours will be either, "Excuse me!" or "Please move!"

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