Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 11, cont. - Goosebump moment

Services were finished at the church where we had been poking around the cemetery and so we wandered in. Oddvar told me that this church was where my Bestefar had been baptised. One feels reluctant to take photos inside a church, but what happened next was so unexpected, that I discarded that reluctance. The church is of the Lutheran denomination and is a bit different from the Catholic churches I had been used to. The priest approached us with a big smile and he and Oddvar had a brief conversation during which the minister shook our hands and took us to the altar area of the church. He pointed out the baptismal font and said it was 300 years old and had been in that church since it had been built in 1869. Oddvar then said that this was the very font over which my Bestefar had been baptised in 1885. It was one of those 'OMG' moments that sort of took my breath away.

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