Saturday, September 4, 2010

Day 12 - Aug. 30 Per Kristian's house

After sharing dinner with Øystein and Toril, we all headed to Per Kristian's house. Oddvar and Solveig headed to their house in Sandnessjøen while Ivan, Astrid and I stayed here at the beautiful home of Per Kristian and his wife, Rakel. While we ate breakfast in the morning (window behind the group) we watched 3 magpies chasing a falcon, several Pied wagtails foraging on the ground and, best of all, a Jay taking food which Rakel had thrown onto the lawn. You MUST see this bird:
Photo taken by Luc Viatour and taken from the Internet
Imagine sitting quietly, eating your breakfast when this gorgeous bird appears on the lawn right outside your window! The bird is large, larger than a Western Scrub Jay, and extremely extroverted. Lar, this was our Norwegian crippler!

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