Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 20 - Sept. 7 - Lund Botanical Garden

After a really nice dinner at Klostergatans Fisk last night, we retired to our hotel, attempted to watch a movie and fell asleep!
This morning we awakened to a decidedly undecided sky - bright sunshine followed by puffy white clouds scudding across the sky, followed by angry-looking dark clouds, then back to sunshine. We were headed to the Botanical Garden, but didn't know precisely where it was. It seems it is just off the map we have. The hotel clerk seemed to have a lot of confidence in our navigational ability and so we set off with binoculars,bird book and cameras at the ready. We ended up walking past the Garden, not realizing that there's an old cemetery at the western end of it. We did find the place and walked around loking at a few more birds than we had seen anywhere else, but we mostly admired the plants. There are 7,000 different plants in the place! We went for the birds, but there were very few to be seen. We had morning tea at the Cafe Botán and I was waylaid by the fuchsias that were growing nearby! They were gorgeous! The photos below are of a large standard fuchsia covered with blossoms that were smaller than my thumbnail! I know the second photo is out of focus, and for that I do apologize, but you can still get an idea of how very tiny the flowers were. Believe it or not, there was a fuchsia with an even tinier blossom!
This is the standard fuchsia with the teeny blossoms.
Tiny but perfect fuchsia blossoms.

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