Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Day 21 - Sept. 8 - Wednesday - Lund to Copenhagen

On our last day in Lund, Ivan and I decided to head to Mormor's Bakery (mormor means grandma) after packing up and checking out. The weather was quite windy, but sunny and pleasant. We stashed our bags at the Concordia and walked to the bakery which we had spotted early on, but had not had a chance to visit. Does the phrase, "Danish pastry," mean anything to you? Denmark is a mere 30 miles south of here and the pastries at this little bakery looked scrumptious! I picked one with almonds and Ivan had a chocolate cookie. Mine lived up to its appearance - and Ivan's was very tasty as well. We chatted for a bit after eating, then headed back to collect our bags and walked to the train station. It was an interesting walk along the cobbled streets and sidewalks of Lund. Both of us were charmed by this little town and its zillions of bicycles. I think I haven't put in a photo of these bikes, so here's one:

And this was only one of dozens of parking areas specifically for bicycles! We saw people of all ages and in all types of dress pedaling their ways to their destinations. Sweden is definitely a haven for cyclists.
So, we walked to the train station with the worldly possessions we had with us and had an interesting, if frustrating thing happen. We were told that we should go in a specific building in order to get the train to Copenhagen. We went in that building. The departure schedule (in Swedish) said that the next train would be in about 5 minutes on Track 1, access to which was down 2 sets of concrete stairs. Mind you, my big suitcase weighs about 75 pounds! Undaunted, we took the bags downstairs and followed the signs toward Track 1. Arrows pointed to yet another set of stairs, but these went UP! Fortunately, there was a small elevator next to these stairs so we bundled in and went up. Turns out, we could have avoided all this exercise if we had gone into the main train building in the first place! We went to the track and waited about one minute for the train. Had a very comfy and uneventful ride to Copenhagen.

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