Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 13 - Departure from Mo i Rana

This morning, the weather apty mirrored my feelings as we said goodbye to Astrid and Svein. It was chilly and rainy and the sky was filled with clouds of varying shades of grey. I have loved our time with these two family members - we shared laughs, concerns, happy tales, sad tales and general family stories. They were just the best of hosts and I'm so glad that we finally made a connection, met and discovered how much we enjoy each other.
Our train, the 8:25AM to Trondheim, was awaiting our boarding. We gave our hugs goodbye and took our seats.

On the way to the train station, Svein stopped so I could take a photo of this little display at the town border. There were flowers everywhere in Mo i Rana - it's a lovely city in Norway.

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