Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 9 - Nesna area

OK, I'm having a good deal of trouble actually posting a nice Google map of the town of Nesna, where we disembarked the Nordlys. Please go to this website - - to see where this little town is and the names of the surrounding islands. Oddvar Nordnes, Astrid's brother, met us at the ferry and we had a sort of whirlwind tour of the areas where my Bestemor (that's one of the 2 words in Norwegian I know - it means Grandmother) was born and grew up. Her name was Olga Pauline Olsen Nordnes. You should know that Oddvar is not related to her in any way, yet he took it upon himself to research her ancestry, where she was born, who her parents were, where she grew up, was baptised, went to school, etc. He did a lot of research and has found much of the information I was unable to find via my American ancestry website. Our tour was fast, but really interesting. The following couple of posts will have some photos.

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