Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 19, cont. - Horologium

This is just inside the Domkyrka and is officially called "Horologium Mirabile Lundense." The first word means that it's a timepiece, the second word means it's wondrous in its action, and the last word means it belongs in Lund. This instrument is incomprehensible to me! I made the photo as large as I can so the features can actually be seen. The wheel on the bottom is a calendar, and today, the pointer, located at what would be 9 o'clock on your watch, was pointing to Monday September 6. So far, so good. There's a lot of writing on the calendar wheel, all of which is in Swedish. I am illiterate in Swedish - sorry. Just above the calendar wheel are what look like three statues. I can tell you, for sure, that the middle statue is of Mary and the baby Jesus. The two on either side are supposed to be the Magi who appeared when Jesus was born. I thought there were three Magi, but hey, who's counting? Back to these 3 in a moment. The round thing at the top is a clock, but I defy you to tell me what time it says. (You'll notice that I have slyly cropped the time stamp from the photo.) Here's what the brochure says about this clock: "[it] is an astronomical clock, the oldest parts of which are from the 1420s. Twice a day the clock plays a tune and the Magi appear to worship the newly born baby Jesus on Mary's lap." The "twice a day" times are noon and 3PM, except on Sundays when they are 1PM and 3PM. Go figure.
I just found a video on youtube (is there anything that moves that isn't on youtube?) of this clock and its moving figures. This is it:
In the video, there are seven Magi and the 2 statues on the side don't move. The Magi come out of their own door. Having watched the youtube video, I can tell you that it's less impressive than you might imagine. This is still a weird and bizarre thing to be inside this magnificent church.

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