Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 18, cont. - Arrival in Lund, Sweden

Once we had left the ship, we tried to figure out if we could walk to the central train station, but decided the better part of valor was to grab a cab. Good choice because the train station was a fair ways away. The tickets we had were for travel from Copenhagen to Lund, Sweden and could be used on any train from Sept. 5 to Oct. 4. We actually thought we were booked on a 2:30PM train and we were trying to figure out what we were going to do with our bags. Once we realized we could take any of about 8 trains, we took the one that was next. Had a nice ride north, chatting with a couple from Melbourne, Australia (yes, we talked a bit about cricket!) who are beginning week 4 of a 5-week jaunt all over Scandinavia and Europe. They're having lots of fun too!
Once in Lund, I realized that I had not purchased or printed a map of Lund, so we had no idea where our hotel was. Ivan asked at the tourist counter, but was told by the person there that she had never heard of the hotel. This was alarming news, so we decided to get a cab. The driver instantly knew where to go and in about 60 seconds, we were at the hotel's front door! This is a photo I took of the hotel - our room, #207 - is right at the corner window on the second floor:
This is a very charming and welcoming hotel. Our room is small, but very comfy. I know that Lund is not high on the list of where people who travel to Sweden want to go, but it's a visitor-friendly place. Plus, it has that stimulating, energetic atmosphere that college towns have. It also just happens to be Sweden's second oldest city at 1,000 years of age.
Ivan and I walked around the city for a bit and, at one point, we realized that we recognized many of the buildings we were seeing. Then we walked past the train station and it dawned on us that the reason our cab ride was so short was that the hotel is about 3 blocks from the train station! Needless to say, when we depart on Wednesday, we'll walk!  After our walk, on which we were actually scouting a place to have dinner, we settled upon a Thai food restaurant - Mae Yai - and had a tasty dinner there.

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