Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Day 7 - Trollstigen

Editor Note: No matter what I do, I can't seem to get more than one photo to align properly! The one on the bottom should be on the top because it happened first. View them with that in mind.
If you checked out the road on the google map, these photos will just verify that a crazy person did not go berserk with a yellow marker and draw this haphazard alignment of a road! This was an awesome experience. In the first (right) photo, we were heading left to right toward a left turn that would put us on the road that's kind of in the middle of the photo. When all of us on the bus saw the arrangement of this road, we let out a collective gasp and I'll bet many people hoped that their wills were up-to-date. I whispered, "Woo! Hoo!"
Seriously, the drive down was fun as well as scary. On 2 turns, the driver had to back up (!) because the bus couldn't make the tight turn. On this stretch of road, there are 11 (eleven) hairpin turns and all are on this very steep part of the road. Not to be missed!

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