Sunday, September 5, 2010

Day 13, cont.- to Trondheim

Our ride on the train was uneventful. It rained almost all the way to Trondheim as we zipped past farms and beautiful mountains. I dozed a bit of the time, read some, dozed some more. I was glad that, if it HAD to rain, now was a good time for it to do it! As you can see from the map, there were long distances in between stops, so that "rhythm of the rails" thing turned out to be quite relaxing.
We arrived in Trondheim around 2:45PM and got a cab to our hotel. The ride took about 6 minutes and, when we saw where we were, we realized that we could have easily walked from the station to the hotel! Live & learn, I guess!
We had only 2 nights at this hotel, so we didn't do much unpacking. We found a place to get dinner and set off in an attempt to find the place. We had our little map and thought we had followed it precisely, but ended up about 6 blocks away from where we wanted to be. Everyone in Norway understands, and speaks, English, so we asked someone who was putting a bicycle away for directions. He steered us in the proper direction, but when we arrived at the address, it was a place of a different name and it served only sandwiches. We wanted a proper dinner, so we decided to go back to the hotel and have dinner there. It turned out to be an excellent decision! The food was great and the location was certainly quite handy!

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