Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 19, cont. - WOW!

This afternoon, after Ivan left for his meeting with the University folks, I was on my own. We had, in our walking around this morning, found this OLD cathedral about 4 blocks from our hotel. We peeked inside and then went out, since our mission was to find some lunch. I told Ivan I wanted to check out this church a bit more carefully, so I came back to it at about 2PM. I went inside, looked at a few features mentioned in the pamphlet, and sat on one of the chairs for a few moments of quiet contemplation. There was a faint, pleasing scent of incense in the air. It was the quiet that pervades the vast vault-like space inside an old church that I liked too. There were several other folks inside sitting quietly. Suddenly, the church was filled with the deep bass notes of a triumphal-sounding melody from the pipe organ. It was overwhelmingly loud and I was filled with awe at the majesty of the music. I didn't recognize the music, but I really liked listening to it! It had a joyous tenor to it. I closed my eyes, imagining only music and the beautiful sensations it aroused in me. I felt simply magnificent! When it ended, I hoped that the organist would play another piece, but that was the only one played. An unexpected, but fabulous experience!

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